Mobile devices have turned businesses on its head and revolutionized the way companies conduct business. In this age of hand held devices, companies not offering services and solutions over devices lose out on a significant chunk of business advantage. These devices have abstracted location out of the equation to conduct business, which in itself is a huge game changer. Add to it the low cost of ownership in terms of technology and maintenance, it gives the entrepreneur a significant advantage.

Advantages of Opting Mobility Services:

  • Enhanced Productivity
  • Low Cost of Ownership
  • Location Abstracted From Business
  • Staying Updated on the Move
  • Business is Online 24/7

Standout provides the consultancy as well as state-of-the-art solutions on mobile platform that can help your business stay ahead from the rest.

Our focus while developing mobile services lays special thrust on the following areas:

  • User Experience
  • Domain Centric Apps
  • Reporting on the Move
  • E-commerce on Mobile
  • Work Flow Management
  • Basic Utilities

Some of the key services that we provide on this area are:


Consultancy & Recommendation

This is a phase where we do system study and come up with a recommendation and plan for going mobile.The core systems and applications that get impacted are the ones that are touched upon first and this depends on how critical these are to the users who would be using them while on the move.

Mobile Application Development & Integration

Our framework and expertise on this platform gives us all the confidence in providing you the advantage while we develop mobile applications for you and migrate the existing applications to be used over the device.

Reporting & Data Massaging Services For Mobile

Reporting and data dashboards are the key differentiators that users experience while being on the move.No decision is delayed due to the location and all stake-holders are abreast of what is happening with the business. Time is money in all and that is the key difference that mobile devices have done to seize the initiative in terms of revenue to business.


Key Technologies we use for mobility services are: