
Based on the customer with whom we engage in providing services, we advice any of our three models of engagement. A combination of the three models during different time periods of engagement can also be worked out. It depends on the business domain, nature and related operational factors of our customer to decide on the suitable engagement model.

As with the Offshore Model, the Client Site Model is also arrived at based on certain criteria. Cost, Criticality of Project, Security Constraints, Availability of QA & Business Analysts, Turn Around time etc . This model can be employed for development, maintenance, support and enhancement projects.

We recommend a 100% Offshore model depending upon certain criteria. Clarity of Requirements, Availability of Resources, Security demands, Cost etc figure in this list. The client would be transparent to all the risks associated with a project and yet get a system that is as good as being developed in-house. This model can be employed for development, maintenance, support and enhancement projects.

The Client as well as Standout can work from different time zones and yet leverage the advantages of internet to extend the client’s work day!

Most projects executed would fall under this model. The advantages of both the other models are leveraged here, vis-a-vis cost as well as espousal of requirements, both being justified without compromises. The Client-Site would comprise of a very thin but experienced Buisness Analyst and/or Project Manager whereas the major part of the execution would happen offshore where the team would be relatively thicker and would comprise of Project Manager, Team Leads, Development & QA team members.